Can you believe that it’s already 2017?? And the first work week of January is already behind us! Time seems to go by so quickly.
It was 16 degrees today and sunny. I was tempted to run outside but experience has taught me that when I run in temps below 25 degrees I usually end up with a chest cold. So…off to the gym I went but today I had the awesome company of my Hubby.
I don’t hate the treadmill but I’m not one of those who can run forever on one. I was very happy to get 5 miles in today and it felt great! January is usually the time when many people get going on their ‘resolutions.’ I don’t really do that but I do enjoy using January as a time to think about my race schedule for the year and reset my diet and winter exercise plan.
A friend of mine posted a 30 day abs, chest, quads challenge and it looked like a great addition to my running plan so I started it on New Year’s Day. It felt really energizing to go to church, get a great run in afterward and embark on a 30 day exercise routine on the first day of the new year! I’m happy to say that today wrapped up Week One and I feel pretty good about it.
Due to a medical issue that I’m still trying to get fully diagnosed, I’ve been on a protocol that includes 2 different steroids. This has not been good for my weight management so I’m hoping that I will get off those meds soon. I don’t let that become an excuse though; I’m continuing with my nutrition reset and staying focused on my training plan.
The key to success is consistency. Just stick with it every day. If you have a bad day, don’t give up and don’t dwell on it. Start again the next day. Keep moving forward. Think positive and press on. It seems like everything on the news and on TV is so negative. Everyone is critical of everyone. Hypersensitivity rules the day. This results in a lot of angry, offended, people running around bent on making everyone around them as miserable as they are! I maintain that attitude is a choice. Choose wisely! You can’t always choose your circumstances but you can always choose your attitude! Choose to live each moment as a blessing and savor it. Choose to think about the good that happens in your day and let any discouraging stuff go. Don’t let negative things bring you down.
Every night I pray before I go to bed. I pray about a lot of things but I always include thanking the Lord for good things in my life. Some days are hard and it can be challenging to think of something good but I’m always able to find something. And when I thank God for that positive thing I can feel His love for me. So I go to sleep feeling loved and valued. If you struggle in this world of negativity….try thanking God for whatever good thing you experienced that day. It will change your life.
If you’d like to join me in the 30 day jumpstart it’s never too late to start! Go to my Facebook page, Bold Moves Diary, to get the full 30 day schedule.
On Oct 12th I ran the Chicago Marathon, with ~50k runners! ...