Perspective is an amazing thing. It keeps us real. It keeps us humble. It helps us to focus on what’s important.
I think having some way to self-check your perspective on life is very important and doing it routinely is even more important. Not once a year as a resolution. I’m saying weekly at least. Think about the level of “busyness” in your life. Caring for your family and the related chores, your fitness schedule, your nutrition plan for you and your family, your hobbies, the clubs or organizations that you support. Oh, and then there’s that career! How encompassing can that be?
The fact is that even with the best of intentions we can get carried away by “busyness” and lose perspective on the most important things in life.
1) God (faith) 2) Family 3) Career
I can honestly say that when I’ve let the “busyness” of life cause these priorities to move around, bad things happen. I lose my perspective. What is the common thread of 1 and 2? Relationship. Make time for the Lord and make time for your family and the important people in your life.
As a Runner it’s easy to become absorbed in running. It has helped me through many things. But even running must remain in perspective. Today is the 2nd day that I’ve been able to run, after being sidelined for 10 days due to illness. During that time I stopped thinking about my training plan and started realizing that any running, even a mile is precious no matter the pace. Perspective.
Continuing to deal with the loss of my Dad, I am reminded of the importance of relationship. When that person you love is no longer there, when you can’t call them or hug them or hear their voice again, you realize their importance. Perspective.
So….when that special someone wants to spend time with you, think about saying yes. Even if it means rescheduling an activity. Work hard when you’re at work but leave work at work. Pay attention to the important people in your life. Perspective
Thank the Lord every morning for waking you up. Thank Him for the blessings in your life. We all have our challenges and disappointments, but it’s easy to sink into the negativity pit. Focus on the positive and what you can influence. Ask the Lord to use you for His will and see what happens! Perspective.
Our world is full of hate and complaining about just about everything. What if we all committed to live Eph 4:29? What if we vowed that every day we would value and respect everyone? You don’t have to bring them home for dinner….just respect their existence and recognize the value that different opinions bring to this world. You don’t have to compromise your own belief, faith or values. Respect doesn’t equal agreement or capitulation.
Perspective. Keep it real. Now for a run…..may the Lord bless you all abundantly….
Perspective is an amazing thing. It keeps us real....