“What is the effective range of an excuse, Cadet?!” “Zero, Sir!” Simple exchange between upperclassmen and Plebe (freshman) at the Academy that has stuck with me through the years. Yes, there can be reasons but very, very rarely are there excuses. Pretty much never.
And so as we continue to be gripped by a frigid and snowy winter, what is a runner to do? Yes, the treadmill is an option and one that I leverage when traveling. At home though, I prefer to run outside. Even in winter.
Now on the path to catching up with my training plan I am still hopeful to make it to the Start Line of the April races on my calendar. Today I had to remind myself, as I looked up the outside temp of 21 degrees, “no excuses!” Highlights from my run are pictured. First, my now beloved “screw shoes!” These lovely innovations have enabled me to conquer the snow and ice covered country roads that surround my home. Even steep hills are no match for these steely running shoes! Second, dressing for success. 21 degrees means taking advantage of layers. Two pairs of tights, two pairs of socks, and wearing my running vest over my Nike winter dry-wick shirt. Finally, gloves, hat with headband to cover my ears, and ‘gator” neck sleeve which I really love – I can pull it up over my face as needed which is particularly handy if the wind kicks up. Shoes + dressing in layers = happy and warm runner!
Oh, and of course it is always nice to have a running partner. Most of the time I run solo and actually enjoy that as I have time to think, release stress, pray. Today, at the 4.5 mile mark, I was joined by the beautiful dog pictured, Gracie. At first, she was just another venturing dog in the countryside who joined me for a run. She ran either at my side or in front of me. As I approached my turn around point, a friend of ours approached in his truck and stopped me. “Hey, is Gracie bothering you?” I told Dale that she was fine and that I didn’t know she was his dog. He tried to get Gracie to jump into the truck so he could take her home, but Gracie wouldn’t leave my side. “Oh well,” Dale sighed, “Maybe she’ll get tired.” So I kept running with my new buddy. On the way back she stayed in front of me, looking back now and then to make sure I was still there. As we passed her house I thought she’d peel off but she didn’t. Instead, she ran with me the whole way. When a car approached she’d stop until I caught up to her, still staying in front of me. Turning onto my street, she ran beside me, tail wagging.
Once home, I ran the doorbell with Gracie standing beside me on the porch. Hubby had scolded me for wearing my “screw shoes” on the hardwood kitchen floor so I remembered to enter via the front door, but it was locked. Hubby opened the door and then noticed that I had a new friend. We brought Gracie inside and Hubby called Dale to let him know that Gracie was hanging out with us while I headed for the hot shower. Dale couldn’t believe she ran that far with me!
After a quick shower it was time to make my recovery shake. A yummy combo of mango, blueberries, kale, protein powder and sugar-free cranberry juice. Just what my muscles need to speed recovery from a 8.14 mile run! Can’t wait for my EnergyBits to arrive (algae), they also make a big difference for both post run recovery and pre run nutrition. I am so happy to be running again, no issues with my hamstring. Soon I’ll be on track with my training distance goals.
It’s so easy to be lazy, especially when it’s cold outside. It’s also easy to lose sight of goals and turn to comfort food when stressed out, especially when battling an injury. I’m so happy to be back on the running trail again with renewed focus. I am reminded of “no excuses.” Life rarely goes exactly as we plan. When challenges occur or disappointments pile up, it’s time to remember – No Excuses. Even when we are enjoying success, it’s important to keep perspective – No Excuses.
Yep, reasons abound but excuses? No. Never okay. No Excuses. So, if you have been putting something off, remember “no excuses” and go get it done!
Perspective is an amazing thing. It keeps us real....
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