If you know any runners, then you’ve probably heard them talk about their “running mantra.” They may even have more than one. It is basically a short motivational statement that you say to yourself to get through a really tough part of the run or race. It helps to overcome both physical and mental barriers. The human spirit is an amazing thing. We repsond to positive affirmations, no matter where they come from. So why not come from you?
During races you quickly discover this to be true. I did, during my first marathon in Oct, 2011. I had put my name on my Team-in-Training jersey and was amazed to discover how energizing it was to hear people I don’t know cheering for me as I ran by. I’ll never forget around the 18 mile mark I made eye contact with one of the spectators. He looked at me with the intensity of a sports coach when he yelled, “You got this Diane,” it was like getting a shot of adrenaline! I had no idea who that guy was but I was very grateful that he was there, at that very moment in the race when I really needed it. Even the gal holding the “Run random stranger, run!” sign brought a smile to my face. The funny thing is that we will also respond to the same type of affirmations when we talk to ourselves. We do it all the time anyway (you know you do), so why not make it purposeful?
For running, it’s best to keep the motivational mantra short, something you can say in one or two breaths. I have a couple and the shortest one is my first “go to” mantra when I need it during a rough patch in my run or race: Never Quit — Finish Strong! I only have to say it once or twice and it’s usually enough to give me that extra mojo I need to keep moving. I also use scripture and among my favorites is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Phil 4:13 This usually leads me to think about other scripture, such as Joshua 1:9. Most are too long to say aloud as a mantra, but just thinking about them is energizing! Sometimes my motivational mantra is more of a command than encouragement, No Walking! or Keep Moving! The cool thing is that they work! Running is as much mental as it is physical, so leverage the fact that we all like to be affirmed and coach yourself up!
You’ve heard me comment before that one of the reasons I love distance running so much is because it parallels life in so many ways. A long run or race has ups and downs, challenges and rewards. Since that first marathon in 2011 that inspired my book, I have continued to make more discoveries along the marathon training journey. This year I discovered that running provides me with a way to positively impact my behavior, even when I’m NOT running. Since adopting the motivational mantra approach last year, I can say that this ‘coaching myself up’ approach has found its way into my daily life, not just when I’m running. And since running parallels life so much it only makes sense that the motivational mantra fits well. I use them all when I’m at work and dealing with a particularly difficult situation or project. I use the last two that I shared to keep myself on task or resist the temptation to lose focus. I use the first two a lot, in a variety of circumstances. This approach has resulted in my changing my email byline. My previous byline was a quote from Jim Collins, one of my favorite authors. Now, my byline is a quote from someone not so well known but equally passionate about leadership, life and running — me! “You cannot always choose your circumstances but you can ALWAYS choose your attitude!” Now, every time I send an email, I’m using the motivational mantra approach of self-coaching. And, I get to share that with whoever is receiving the email.
The beauty of all of this is that when you embody your motivational mantra, it makes you feel good. When you feel good, you make others feel good — it’s contagious! So, my question to you is, what’s your motivational mantra? Whether you’re a runner or not, you should have one….or more. Try it, you’ll see!
Never Quit — Finish Strong!
As the saying goes, you don’t always appeciate...